This Olympiad  is providing an international recognition for the outstanding achievements by: Teachers,  graduate and undergraduate students; and 7th grade - 12th grade students. This international Olympiad  will attract a large number of students and teachers from different parts of the world. This site is owned and operated by the ICIE.

Both teachers and students will compete in events that focus on applied topics and challenges that emphasize teamwork and interdisciplinary approaches to productive thinking (e.g., creative thinking; critical thinking; creative problem solving; future problems solving; cooperation/collaboration; and communication). It will be held annually starting from 2019.

The Olympiad  is affiliated with the International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE), and a number of other international institutions. It is based on international standards for excellence, creativity and innovation.

The winners will be invited to the national, regional and international tournaments which are rotated throughout different countries.

The Olympiad is an international initiative that is dependent on a large number of dedicated volunteers across the world who offer their expertise, time and resources to support and promote excellence, creativity, and innovation.

Every participant, everyone involved in this Olympiad should display honesty, integrity, courtesy, respect, and accept safety procedures and codes of ethics. Participants and all people involved in this Olympiad are responsible for ensuring that any applicable policies, laws, or regulations are not broken.