Limitations on Students & Projects:
  • Each student may present only one project.  In the case of being a finalist for multiple projects, the applicant must choose which project to present. 
  • Students may apply with multiple projects in any discipline to increase their chance of acceptance but will be selected as a finalist for only one project.
  • A maximum of three students may present a robotics project.
  • There is no limit to how many projects may be submitted from the same school/organization. There is no limit to the number of projects selected as finalists from any one school.
General Rules:
  • The Committee has the right to deny any project without any explanation.
  • Finalists/Applicants who do not submit the required description information on time and in the requested format shall be disqualified.
  • In all aspects of the projects, participants must maintain integrity.
  • Participants must avoid any misconduct or fraud, such as falsifying data or records, piracy or plagiarism (presenting another person's project as one’s own).
  • All students are required to adhere to the rules set by the ICIE Olympiad, and these rules may change without any notification. 
  • By attending in the ICIE Olympiad, you and/or your guardian agree to all statements and rules stated on this page.